
WELCOME! St. Mary of the Assumption School takes pride in getting to know not only our applicants but their families as well.

We look for families committed to a school/home partnership in developing each child’s values in line with Catholic morality and pursuing academic excellence. Our staff is dedicated to providing each student with a personalized educational experience so they can reach their highest potential. Contact us today to find out how your family can join our wonderful community.


Fill out our Admissions Inquiry Form for more information or
contact the Front Office
at 301-627-4170.

Admissions Information

The Priority Deadline for Applications for the 2025-2026 school year has passed! You can apply to be on the waitlist here.

It is the policy of St. Mary of the Assumption School that we do not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, disability, and/or national ethnic origin in the administration of our educational policies, admissions policies, tuition assistance, and any other school administration programs. Since St. Mary of the Assumption School is a parish school, preference in admissions is given to registered and participating members of St. Mary of the Assumption Parish. A parishioner is defined as one registered in St. Mary of the Assumption Parish who attends Mass regularly and uses the envelope system. Consideration for admission will be given in the following descending priority, where spaces are available, within the recommended class size:

  • Catholic applicants with siblings presently enrolled
  • Catholic applicants with no siblings presently enrolled
  • Non-Catholic applicants with siblings presently enrolled
  • Non-Catholic applicants with no siblings presently enrolled
  • Non-Catholic applicants

All new students are accepted on a probationary basis for one year. The purpose of this policy is to determine whether St. Mary of the Assumption School can meet the student’s needs and if the student is able to adjust to the unique and challenging environment of our Catholic school.

Students with academic, psychological, emotional, physical, educational or other needs, exceeding the scope and resources of St. Mary of the Assumption School, will not be accepted.

Admissions Requirements

  • Pre-K – must be four years old by 9/1/2025.
  • Kindergarten – must be five years old by 9/1/2025.
  • First Grade – must be six years old by 9/1/2025.
  • Second through Eighth Grades- Successful completion of the previous grade level at an accredited school


What are schools hours?

The school hours are 8:00 am – 3:00 pm.

Does the school offer before and After Care?

Before Care starts at 6:30 am and ends at 7:45 am. Aftercare begins at 3:00 pm and ends at 6:00 pm.

Where do we order school Uniforms?

Do you have an Open House?

The last Sunday in January is St. Mary Open House from 11-1. We also give daily tours Monday through Thursday 9:00 am -2:00 pm during the school year.

Do you offer Scholarships?

Financial aid applications are to be filled out in Tads. Boost scholarships can be found at here.

Do you require volunteer hours?

Each family is required to do 20 hours of volunteer work.

Does St. Mary have a sports program?

St. Mary children can enroll for Basketball, Baseball, Softball or Soccer through the CYO Program.

Does St. Mary have foreign language?

All grades take Spanish.

Does St. Mary have a lunch program?

St. Mary has an optional hot lunch program through Main and Market Caterers as well as Pizza Tuesday. Monthly menus are sent home to the family and you can pick how many lunches your child would like. Pizza Tuesday – Papa Johns deliver pizza to the school and children who have pre-paid for the pizza at the beginning of the year will receive the number of slices ordered.

What specials does St. Mary have?

Art, Computer, STEM, Spanish, Library, Music, and PE.

Does St. Mary have an Instrumental Program?

Grade 4 -8 Saint Mary students can enroll for band through the Archdiocese of Washington at

What Extra Curricular activities does St. Mary have?

These change every year. Some examples are Rosary Club, Art Club, Rosary Club and Drama Club

Do the students have an opportunity to participate in Mass?

St. Mary has Mass every school calendar Friday. Students celebrate Mass by doing the readings and petitions, by joining the choir or being an altar server.

Does St. Mary offer transportation?

Children are brought to the school daily by their parents or carpools.

What is the birthday cutoff for PreK 3, PreK 4 and Kindergarten?

  • PreK 3 Students need to be 3 by September 1
  • PreK 4  Students need to be 4 by September 1
  • Kindergarten Students need to be 5 by September 1