Prospective Students

Contact Admissions
at 301-627-4170.

The Archdiocese of Washington follows the guidelines of the State of Maryland for students entering Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten, respectively. St. Mary of the Assumption uses the Scholastic Testing Services Kindergarten Readiness Assessment screening program together with student and parent interviews to assist us in making an appropriate enrollment decision with regard to admittance to our Kindergarten Program.

Incoming Pre-Kindergarten 3

Children must be three (3) years of age as of September 1 and must be fully toilet trained.

Incoming Pre-Kindergarten 4

Children must be four (4) years of age as of September 1 and must be fully toilet trained.

Incoming Kindergarten

Children must be five (5) years of age as of September 1. Excellent scores on the Kindergarten Readiness Test and a successful principal interview are also required for acceptance into our program. If your child will be five(5) years of age by October 15 and you are interested in early entrance, please contact the office by January of the school year prior. Please note this is an exception given to very few students. Most gifted students are able to be challenged in our differentiated classrooms while remaining with their peer group in order to facilitate appropriate social development.

Incoming Grades 1-8

Children must submit report cards and standardized test scores prior to acceptance. All new students seeking admission to St. Mary of the Assumption are evaluated on the basis of current standardized test scores, report cards, and, if applicable, IEP, 504, ICAP or Private Assessment. Permanent records from the student’s previous school are required, including medical and immunization forms. No student may attend class until these records have been received and all billing accounts are current.

All new students will be given a trial period in which to prove themselves both socially and academically. If during this trial period there are any problems, a student may be asked to withdraw his/her attendance from St. Mary of the Assumption.

Non-Catholic students whose parents accept the philosophy of St. Mary of the Assumption will be accepted on a space available basis.

Registration for new families, relocating into the area, is accepted throughout the school year.